Current lab members
Principal Investigator
Alison McGuigan, Professor
Alison McGuigan is a Professor in Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry and the Institute for Biomedical Engineering at University of Toronto and a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Tissue Engineering and Disease Modelling. She obtained her undergraduate degree from University of Oxford, her PhD from University of Toronto and completed Post Doctoral Fellowships at Harvard University and Stanford School of Medicine. Dr. McGuigan has received numerous awards including the 2024 TERMIS-AM senior scientist award, the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering The Hatch Innovation Award, and election to the Royal Society of Canada-College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists and as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. She serves on the executive leadership team of CFREF Medicine by Design program and on the Centre for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine (CCRM) incubation and outreach committee. She also serves on the editorial board of the journals “Cell Reports Methods” and “In Vitro Tissues”.
Office: Wallberg Building (WB), 200 College Street, Room 338
Phone: 416-978-7552
Current Students

Ruolan Zhou
Post-doctoral Fellow
Michelle Nurse
MASc Student
Chantelle Shing
MASc Student
Aleksandra Fomina
PhD Student
Ruonan (Crystal) Cao
PhD Student
Vera Pieters
PhD Student
Bella Xu
PhD Student
Alia Djebali
Summer student 2024